Performance Report

The Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance (ORIA) collaborates with agencies and stakeholders to improve regulatory systems for more effective services, including for small businesses. ORIA's information center provides citizens and businesses with information and understanding about local, state, and federal regulatory requirements. In the last biennium, ORIA has made significant strides in assisting customers by increasing the number of inquiries received and leveraging online chat services. The organization has also focused on improving systems through initiatives such as the Regulatory Innovation Center and the Small Business Liaison Team. ORIA's commitment to regulatory fairness and permit timeliness has shown great promise, with data-based performance improvements being a key focus area.

For more detailed information about ORIA’s performance during the last biennium, you can refer to the Performance Report 2022 - 2023. The report highlights various aspects of ORIA’s work, including assisting customers, improving systems, and technology services. To review past performance reports, refer to the publications page.