
Making State Government Work Better for You

Help Us Improve, Your Voice Matters

Calling all small business owners, tribal and community leaders, local government officials, and the public. Come connect with government agency leaders to discuss how their regulatory policies and systems might be updated to better support small businesses in Washington.

We're Listening

The Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation & Assistance (ORIA) is partnering with economic development councils, chambers, and agency leaders to listen and learn from - you - those using state services. As we tour Washington State, each roundtable will include representatives from different government agencies.

We want to hear from you!

Topics of Discussion
  • Permitting
  • Licensing
  • Reporting taxes & fees
  • Regulatory processes

Dawn Alford at

Please note each roundtable will have different representatives in attendance.

Roundtable Partners

ORIA is partnering with EDC's, Chambers, and agency leaders to listen to the publics's ideas on how improve the services state government gencies offer.

Topics of Discussion

At this roundtable, discussion of permitting, licensing, taxation, and navigating the regulatory system are welcomed.

Agency Priorities

Building trust in government through transparent engagement with the public is a top priority as well as removing regulatory barriers for businesses.

We need YOU

Your input is crucial as the state government enterprise seeks to enhance regulatory systems and processes designed for business owners across Washington.

Roundtable Goal

The goal of the roundtable is to address concerns based on the specific needs of each location.

Who we hope to hear from

This is an open dialogue event allowing government agencies to listen to business owners, community leaders, tribal leaders, local government officials, legislators, and members of the public.

The roundtables were created to provide opportunities to connect with state government agency leaders who regulate businesses.

Your voice matters

Your presence and valuable input are requested for these discussions.


Please RSVP for a Roundtable by using the links below.

Registration Links

Please note each roundtable will have different representatives in attendance.