What is the purpose of this notification?
A property owner seeking to have a well constructed or decommissioned is required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Ecology. An NOI is required for all drilling activities including:
- Deepening.
- Alteration.
- Reconstruction.
- Decommissioning of wells.
Wells include:
- Water wells.
- Monitoring/resource protection wells.
- Geotech soil borings.
- Environmental investigation wells.
- Geothermal heat pump borings.
- Dewatering systems.
It is important to note that an NOI does not give permission to engage in construction or decommission activities or to withdraw groundwater.
is not a permit, certificate, or application for a water right. Your NOI
does not represent approval or permission to use water from the well. Once the well is drilled, the
water may only be withdrawn if it is legally available and then NEEDS TO BE put to beneficial use to establish a "right" to use of the water.
The property owner must submit an NOI to Ecology at least 72 hours prior to well construction or decommissioning, along with a possible fee. NOI forms are available through Ecology's Regional Offices, Headquarters and licensed well drillers. The forms are also available online from the
Well Construction and Licensing homepage. The forms can be filled out by the property owner or the driller. Although there are exemptions from licensing regulations for construction of wells (see RCW 18.104.180), there is no exemption for decommissioning wells. All wells must be decommissioned by a licensed well operator.
What activities require this notification?
Drilling activities that include:
- Deepening.
- Alteration.
- Reconstruction.
- Decommissioning of wells.
Where can I get the application for this notification?
The application is called 'Notice of Intent (NOI)' is online and can be accessed at