Environmental Permit Schematics

Visualize the Permit Process

Developed in collaboration by ORIA and partner regulatory agencies, the permit process schematics illustrate the application, review, and appeal phases for specific permits. They show the responsibilities of the applicant, the regulatory agency, and the public, and they can help you chart and plan for the permitting process.

Permit schematics also help you understand how applicants and agencies work together, visualize each step of the process, and understand at which stage public comment might be required.

Permit Schematics

DescriptionFile NameDownload
Air Operating Permit (AOP)
Air-Operating-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 4]
Air Quality Notice of Construction (NOC) Permit
Air-Quality-Notice-Of-Construction-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 4]
Aquatic Use Authorization
Aquatic-Use-Authorization-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Agricultural Field Burn Permit
Burn-Permit-Agricultural-Field-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Agricultural Pile Burn Permit
Burn-Permit-Agricultural-Pile-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Land Clearing Burn Permit
Burn-Permit-Land-Clearing-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Citizen Proponent Negotiation (CPN)
Citizen-Proponent-Negotiation-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Dangerous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility - Class 1 Modification (Requires No Prior Approval)
Dangerous-Waste-Mod-Class1-No-Prior-Approval-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Dangerous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility - Class 1 Modification (Requires Prior Approval)
Dangerous-Waste-Mod-Class1-Requires-Approval-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Dangerous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility - Class 2 Modification
Dangerous-Waste-Mod-Class2-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Dangerous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility - Class 3 Modification
Dangerous-Waste-Mod-Class3-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Dangerous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility - Modification Class Determination
Dangerous-Waste-Mod-Class-Determination-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Dangerous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility - New Permit
Dangerous-Waste-New-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
Dangerous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility - Renewal
Dangerous-Waste-Permit-Renewal-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Fish Habitat Enhancement Project
Fish-Habitat-Enhancement-Project-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA)
Hydraulic-Project-Approval-(HPA)-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Industrial Stormwater General Permit
Industrial Stormwater Permit - Termination Process
Industrial-Stormwater-Permit-Termination-Process-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Industrial Stormwater Permit - Transfer Process
Industrial-Stormwater-Permit-Transfer-Process-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Large On-Site Sewage System Operating Permit (Between 3,500 and 100,000 gpd)
Large-Onsite-Sewage-System-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National-Environmental-Policy-Act-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
New Water Right Permit Process
New-Water-Right-Permit-Process-Schematics.pdf [ver. 4]
Notice of Intent (NOI) and Siting Criteria
Notice-Of-Intent-NOI-And-Siting-Criteria-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
NPDES Individual Permit
NPDES-Individual-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
NPDES - Sand & Gravel Permit for Non-Portable Facilities and State Waste Discharge Permit
NPDES-Sand-Gravel-NonPortable-State-Waste-Discharge-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
NPDES - Sand & Gravel Permit for Portable Facilities and State Waste Discharge Permit
NPDES-Sand-Gravel-Portable-State-Waste-Discharge-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Permit for Discharge of Dredge or Fill Material (Section 404)
Permit-For-Discharge-Of-Dredge-Or-Fill-Materials-Section-404-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
Permit for Work in Navigable Waters (Section 10)
Permit-For-Work-In-Navigable-Waters-Section-10-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) - Air Quality Permit
Prevention-of-Significant-Deterioration-PSD-Air-Quality-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 5]
Radioactive Air Emission Approval to Construct
Radioactive-Air-Emission-Approval-To-Construct-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Radioactive Air Emission Exemption from Approval to Construct and License to Operate
Radioactive-Air-Emission-Exemption-From-Approval-Construct-License-Operate-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
Radioactive Air Emission License to Operate New Facility or Modification of an Existing Source (New Construction or Abatement)
Radioactive-Air-Emission-License-Operate-Modify-Existing-Source-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
Radioactive Air Emission Modification/Revision Approval to Construct (New Construction or Abatement Controls)
Radioactive-Air-Emission-Modification-Revision-Approval-To-Construct-Controls-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
Shoreline Conditional Use Permit and Variance
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) (For Non-GMA Agencies)
State-Environmental-Policy-Act-NonGMA-Agencies-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
State Wastewater Discharge Permit
State-Wastewater-Discharge-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 2]
US Army Corp of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process - Link G
US-Army-Corps-Of-Engineers-Administrative-Appeal-Link-G-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
Water Conservancy Board - Change Existing Water Right
Water-Conservancy-Board-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
New Water Right Permit Process
Water-Rights-Change-Permit-Schematics.pdf [ver. 3]
Wetland Regulations
Wetland-Regulations-Schematics.pdf [ver. 4]
Winery General Permit